
Specialties & Services

Aesthetic Breast Surgeries

- Breast Enlargement
- Breast Lift
- Breast Reduction
- Asymmetric Breast Shape
- Breast Deformity from Previous Surgery (Revision Surgery)
- Congenital Breast Anomalies
- Male Breast Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgeries

- Lipoabdominoplasty
- Mini abdominoplasty
- Back Lift
- Lateral Extended
- Belt Lipectomy
- Peniculectomy

Body Lift Surgeries

- Belt Lipectomy
- Arm Lift
- Back Lift
- Buttock Lift
- Thigh Lift
- Monsplasty

Body Contouring Surgeries

- Body Contouring (Posterior Profiloplasty)
- Brazilian Buttock Augmentation BBA
- Sculpturing of Truncal Area
- Correction of body shape Deformity from Previous Surgery

Liposuction of Localized Stubborn areas

- Thighs bulge out
- Inner thighs rubbing (Chafing)
- Big arm
- Large Buttock
- Back Rolls
- Abdomen &Love Handle (men & Women)

Non-Invasive Surgical Procedures

Laser Lipolysis & Laser Tightening

- Double Chin Neck (Reshaping)
- Buffalo Hump
- Knee Fat
- Enlarged Axillary Breast
- Fatty Armpit
- Jaw-line Sculpturing
- Non-traumatic subcision of facial acne scarring

Localized Surgical Procedures

- Post-trauma Scar Revision
- Surgical Scar Revision
- Localised Burn Scars
- Small Skin Lesions
- Skin Moles
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Cosmetic Gynaecology

- Reduction Labiaplasties
- Augmentation Labiaplasty

Laser Lipolysis & Laser Tightening

- Double Chin Neck (Reshaping)
- Buffalo Hump
- Knee Fat
- Enlarged Axillary Breast
- Fatty Armpit
- Jaw-line Sculpturing
- Post-acne check scarring

Non-Invasive Surgical Procedures

Localized Surgical Procedures

- Post-trauma Scar Revision
- Surgical Scar Revision
- Localised Burn Scars
- Small Skin Lesions
- Skin Moles
- Hidra-adenitis Suppurative

Cosmetic Gynaecology

- Reduction Labiaplasties
- ugmentation Labiaplasties

Mircro/Nano Fat Transfer

Enriched with PRP or Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapy ( ADSCs)


- Aging Face & Neck
- Aging Ear Lobule
- Congenital Visible Facial Asymmetry
- Acne Scaring
- Tired of Looking (Tear Trough Deformity)
- Sunken Eye
- Dark Eye Circle

Body (Cosmetic)

- Buttock Augmentation
- Buttock Reshaping
- Labial Rejuvenation & Augemntation
- Calf Asymmetry
- Hand & forearm augmentation or rejuvenation

Body (Reconstruction)

- Congenital Visible asymmetry
- Post-trauma depression or deformity
- Post Surgical Excision deformity
- Unsatisfied previous liposuction


- Breast Augmentation
- Breast reshaping
- Correct Congenital Breast anomalies
- To Cover Visible or Palpable Breast Implant
- Breast Rejuvenation after weight loss, aging or multiple nursing experiences
- To correct localised defect after lump excision

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